Downloadable manuals
You can download pdf manuals for the following devices below: S22 WA S12 HD+SMS Pro S12 HD+SMS III S1...
SMS Control and notifications
You can control all Burrel cameras remotely by sending SMS (text message) commands directly to the camera....
Burrel trail cameras operation countries
Since January 1st, 2023, Tracker Oy has answered for sales, service and support of Burrel trail cameras in...
Basic troubleshooting guide
Camera transmission problems can have many different causes, but they can usually be fixed with basic trou...
A manual test picture - a tool to test the sending function
A good way to test the camera sending function is to take a manual test picture. In this article, we will ...
Burrel ID
Here you can find answers to a few common questions about Burrel ID. About Burrel ID Burrel ID comes...