Camera password

Password can be activated in the camera settings under the System-submenu. This function protects camera settings from outsiders. In addition, password must be activated if you want to turn on camera tracker (positioning) on the S22WA-camera. 

Password default is six zeros (000000). However, you need to change the password for it to turn on. The person who turns the feature on, defines the desired 6-digit password for the camera, which camera will ask for every time before granting access to the camera settings. 

For safety reasons, Burrel technical support does not provide instructions for bypassing or resetting the password. Camera must be sent to out-of-warranty service for this purpose. Password resets are done by our partner Pihlatek, which you can reach at [email protected] 

Note! Before updating the camera, first make sure that the passworrd is turned off and that the change is also correctly saved on the camera.