You can download pdf manuals for the following devices below:
Note! Manuals for cameras n24 and e24 are being translated, which is why they are not yet available for download from our support website. We will publish them as soon as we have translated them to necessary languages. We apologize for the inconvenience caused! During this time, you can utilize the existing manuals, for example, rearding SMS remote commands. For the n24 camera, you can use the SMS3 camera's manual, and for the e24 camera, you can use the SMS PRO manal. You can request for the first English version of manuals for both cameras from Burrel techical support. Please create a support request in that case.
You can also download the Declaration of Conformity for Burrel cameras on this page.
For instructions on how to update the software on your devices, see the Firmware update article on our support site, and check our FAQs.
If you can't find a solution to your problem you can create a support request for us.