Previewing photos directly from the camera

Photos and videos saved on the camera's memory card can be previewed directly on the camera using the camera's display. Here you will find instructions on how to do this.


Preview photos and videos saved on a memory card

You can preview images and videos saved on the camera's memory card directly on the camera. Here is how:

1. Move the camera's power switch to the SETUP position. For the S22WA camera, the power switch should be moved to the ON position.

2. Press the Play (Playback) button with a small arrow to the right. The button can be found between the camera's Menu and Delete buttons. For the S22WA camera, the Play button can be found above the power switch.

3. In preview mode, you will see a sequential number in the upper right corner for the saved photo and/or video on the memory card. Additionally, the photo or the video size is displayed at that location. The date and time when the camera captured the photo or video are shown in the lower right corner. If it is a video recording, you will see a small OK icon at the bottom left of the screen.

4. You can navigate between different photos and videos on the memory card using the camera's left and right arrow buttons.

5. To zoom in on a photo, press the up-arrow button. The camera zooms in on the center of the photo. To return to normal photo size, press the down arrow button.

6. If the camera has recorded a video, you can play it in preview mode by pressing the camera's OK button. Pressing the OK button again will pause the video playback. Pressing the OK button again resumes playback from where the pause started. If the video has sound, it will not be heard in preview mode because the camera does not have a speaker.

7. Press the Play button again to exit the camera's media gallery.


Note! The camera's display is intended for previewing photos and the camera does not play sounds. If you want to view the photos and videos as saved by the camera on the memory card, please use a computer, for example, to view the files. 


Deleting photos and videos from a memory card in preview mode

If you wish, you can delete photos or videos recorded by the camera during preview. If you want to delete the photo or video currently displayed on the camera's screen, there are two ways to do so:

  1. When you see the photo or video you want to delete on the screen, press the camera's Delete button. Under the "Delete current" heading, use the left or right arrow buttons to move the green box either to "Yes" or "No", depending on whether you want to delete the photo or video in question or not. When the option is green, it is selected. By pressing the OK button, the camera performs the action. By pressing the Menu button, the camera will return to preview mode.
  2. When you see the photo or video you want to delete on the screen, press the camera's Menu button. A black screen with the heading "Playback" appears on the camera's display. Under this, you will find a green line with the text "Delete - Delete one". If you want to delete the photo or video, press the OK button, and the camera will perform the action. If instead, you want to delete all the photos and videos taken by the camera, press the right arrow button until the text changes to "Delete - Delete all". Press the OK button to delete all the photos and videos saved on the memory card. If you want to keep all the photos and videos, press the camera's Menu button, and the camera will return to preview mode.


Note! Sometimes there may still be photos or videos on the memory card even after selecting the "delete all" option during preview. Only formatting the memory card will completely empty it. You can find instructions on how to format the memory card here.