Burrel cameras FAQ

In this support article you will find answers to frequently asked questions and help troubleshooting camera problems. 

All Burrel Cameras

What mobile network does my camera support?

The network your transmitting camera supports depends entirely on the features of the camera. From this link, you can find our cameras for sale. Each camera is marked with the mobile network that the particular model supports. 

When the camera is on, it searches for the best available network in the geographical location where the camera is at any given time, adhering to the subscription agreement you made with the operator. For example, if the camera supports 4G network by its features, your camera supports all networks (2G, 3G, 4G).

Note! Operators around the world are shutting down their 3G networks. When the 3G network ceases to function, the cameras will automatically switch using the 2G network. When the camera is connected to a 2G network, we recommend paying attention to the size of the file being sent so that the transmission would happen as smoothly as possible. The 2G network is slower than the 3G network. You can find more information here. 

Does my camera send photos/videos?

Burrel trail cameras can be either non-transmitting or transmitting. Non-transmitting cameras save the photos and/or videos they take on a memory card and do not send them. These cameras do not have a place for a SIM card.

Burrel transmitting cameras operate with a physical SIM card. These cameras also save photos and/or videos on a memory card. However, transmitting cameras allow the sending of photos and/or videos to a phone, email or Burrel+ service depending on the camera model. 

The camera sends only a certain number of pictures per day?

The maximum number of pictures sent daily can be adjusted from the camera settings. Navigate to Wireless submenu and choose ''SendMode : Instant''. Press ''OK'' button to change the daily limit. If set to "0" (number zero) the camera will send an unlimited number of pictures per day. 


The camera takes pictures too sensitively, or the pictures are ''empty''?

The PIR sensor reacts to changes in infrared radiation. In winter, the temperature differences can be very large, which is why the PIR sensor can tell the camera to take a picture/video too sensitively. You can adjust the sensitivity of the PIR sensor in the camera settings (Trigger submenu). You can find more information about the PIR sensor and trigger sensitivities here.


The camera does not send all the pictures?

The trail camera sends one picture at a time. If there is a lot of movement in front of the camera, the camera takes pictures at a faster pace than it can send them. Because of this, in some situations, the camera's SD card may have more pictures/videos than it has sent to the email.


The time the file is sent depends on which network the device operates on. On devices running on a 2G network, it can take 30-90sec to send a file. 3G network 10-20sec., and 4G network 5-10sec. These are estimates, as the connection quality and file size also have an impact on the sending time.


We recommend keeping the trigger interval at least one minute. In this case, the camera is more likely to have time to send the previous photo before taking the next one.

If the mode is set to "Photo" on Camera submenu, and the photo burst is activated (2 or more pictures within 1-3 second interval), the camera takes and saves all photos on the SD card. The camera only sends the last picture. 


Camera doesn't send videos?

Trail cameras that have the sending option for videos are E24, S22WA, S12HD+SMS PRO and Edge HD+3G/4G. Other cameras that shoot videos store them on the SD card, but don't send. Please note that if your camera operates on a 2G network, this network connection is too slow for sending large files, such as videos. Sending an image is possible on a 2G network.

If you have a camera that should send videos but does not, check if the photo mode on Camera submenu is set to ''Photo&Video''. In this setting, the camera saves both photo and video to SD card, but only sends the photo. If you want the camera to send a video, switch the camera mode to ''Video''.

Additionally, check the size of the video. Most email services limit the file size to 20MB. Set the length and quality of the video to, for example, 720P/20sec. or 1080P/10sec. This way, the file size will not exceed the limit. 


When does the camera take a picture with the TimeLapse setting?

When the camera's TimeLapse setting is turned on with the desired settings, the camera will start taking pictures at the set interval from the moment the camera's power switch is turned ON.


For example, the user sets TimeLapse to take pictures every 12h. The user moves the power switch to the ON position at. 14.30. The camera starts taking pictures at 14.30, 2.30, 14.30, etc.

Note! TimeLapse will only start working once the camera has received the updated settings. You can change the update interval in Wireless submenu in camera settings for some camera models. 

I do not remember the camera password, what to do?

If your camera asks for an 8-digit password when you turn it on, and you do not remember it, the camera requires sending for service for password reset. Pihlatek (email [email protected]) does camera resets, from whom you can ask for more information and price estimate. You can find more information about the camera password here.

Where can I find the HW version in the camera?
You can check the HW version of the camera from the camera settings as follows:

S22WA: ON-mode -> Menu -> System submenu -> Information : Enter -> OK
Other Burrel cameras: SETUP-mode -> Menu -> System submenu -> Information : Enter -> OK

Note! You can also find the FW version, model, and IMEI code of the camera in the same place. 

How do I update my camera's operating system?

See update instructions and files here.

Where can I find the camera's IMEI code?

You can find the camera's unique 15-digit IMEI code:

  • Camera settings: Menu -> System submenu -> Information : Enter -> OK.
  • From an email message, if you have set the camera to send files to email.
  • On a sticker attached to the camera.
  • On a sticker attached to the back side of Quick Setup Guide. The guide comes with cameras S12 HD+SMS PRO and S22WA.

Where do I find the camera's Burrel ID?

You can find information about the Burrel ID here. 

Burrel+ Cameras

I changed the settings directly from the camera, but the changed settings do not stay in the camera's memory?

When the camera is registered to Burrel+ service, the device gets its settings from the Burrel+ server as a default. If you change the settings directly from the camera, you have to send the settings to the server after changing them. You can do this by selecting ‘’UpLoad settings’’ from the Wireless submenu in camera settings after changing them.


I changed the camera settings on Burrel+ service, but the camera does not change the settings right away?

The camera receives the updated settings from Burrel+ service when it sends a picture or video to the gallery or automatically searches for possibile updates in settings. If there is no movement in front of the camera and the camera therefore does not send anything, the receiving of updated settings are determined by the AutoUpdate Cycle –function. By modifying the AutoUpdate cycle you can define how often the camera checks for updated settings from the Burrel+ service. You can find this setting in Wireless submenu. 

Note! If you want the camera to check for updated settings frequently, we recommend using the camera with an external power source as using this function requires more power. The more often the camera searches for settings, the more it consumes the camera's power supply. 

Camera is connected to Burrel+, but does not send pictures to Burrel+?

  • Check the camera settings settings. Are these settings correct?

Menu -> Wireless submenu ->

SendMode: Instant

SendVia: Internet

SendTo: Burrel+

  • Have you saved the changes made to camera settings by choosing "UpLoad settings" on Wireless submenu after the last change?
  • Is the trigger interval found in Trigger submenu in camera settings at least 1 minute?
  • Check that the SD card is compatible with the camera. You can find more information about the SD card here

If your camera is supporting Burrel+ service, read also our article about Burrel+ service and FAQ. You can find it here.